Editor's review
High tech lifestyles and increasing pay packets are the outcomes of laborious corporate jobs most of us have nowadays. With the steadfastly increasing money power, evils like being spendthrift and squandering money on needless means is on a steady rise too. Credit cards are owned by all and sundry with the concept of spending money you don’t possess gaining momentum. Sound management of finances and constructive investment of money earned are the lessons required to be learnt by majority of us. Just like business units have their own finance departments and accountants to handle the finances, each of one us can have our own personal finance manager, i.e. MoneyBrio 1.1.2 which enables the user effectively track the expenses.
MoneyBrio upon launch opens with a strikingly vibrantly arranged interface with main options located at the top and left pane in a colorful way. The interface is simple to understand and navigate as the options are placed in the form of vividly put up icons. The software enables the user to manage his/her finances appropriately and analyzes the spending patterns and performs some exclusive functions to control the financial matters; reminds the user of the impending bills to paid up avoiding late fees, keeps the user updated of the cash available, detects and notifies any malevolent activity regarding the bank accounts and much more. The application stands ahead of its counterparts and provides greater flexibility regarding the finances and related transactions, besides being cost effective and immensely user friendly too.
Overall, MoneyBrio software earns rich kudos for its power packed feature list and utility and hence gets a score rating of 4.5 points for its overall optimum performance and valuable usage. The application is expected to find many takers amongst busy professionals who would gladly appreciate the assistance the application offers in managing their finances.
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